Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) is a one-stop tool to diagnose all of your system. You can download the latest Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) from the Oracle site from Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) - Including TFA and ORAchk/EXAChk (Doc ID 2550798.1).
If you hit any errors related to Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA), you can check
[root@sajidserver01 tfa]# unzip
replace ahf_setup? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: A
inflating: ahf_setup
extracting: ahf_setup.dat
inflating: README.txt
replace ahf_setup? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: A
inflating: ahf_setup
extracting: ahf_setup.dat
inflating: README.txt
[root@sajidserver01 tfa]# ./ahf_setup -local
AHF Installer for Platform Linux Architecture x86_64
AHF Installation Log : /tmp/ahf_install_239000.log
Starting Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) Installation
AHF Version: 23.9.0 Build Date: 202310
AHF is already installed at /usr/tfa/oracle.ahf
Installed AHF Version: 23.4.2 Build Date: 202305
Do you want to upgrade AHF [Y]|N : Y
Upgrading /usr/tfa/oracle.ahf
Shutting down AHF Services
Upgrading AHF Services
Beginning Retype Index
TFA Home: /usr/tfa/oracle.ahf/tfa
Moving existing indexes into temporary folder
Index file for index moved successfully
Index file for index_metadata moved successfully
Index file for complianceindex moved successfully
Moved indexes successfully
Starting AHF Services
No new directories were added to TFA
Directory /usr/grid/crsdata/sajidserver01/trace/chad was already added to TFA Directories.
Do you want AHF to store your My Oracle Support Credentials for Automatic Upload ? Y|[N] : N
| Host | TFA Version | TFA Build ID | Upgrade Status |
| Sajidserver01 | | 23090002023| UPGRADED |
| Sajidserver02 | | 23090002023| UPGRADED |
Setting up AHF CLI and SDK
AHF is successfully upgraded to latest version.
[root@sajidserver01 bin]# ./tfactl status
| Host | Status of TFA | PID | Port | Version | Build ID | Inventory Status |
| sajidserver01 | RUNNING | 368155 | 8200 | | 23090002023| COMPLETE |
| sajidserver02 | RUNNING | 942953 | 8200 | | 23090002023 | COMPLETE |
[root@sajidserver01 bin]# ./tfactl toolstatus
Running command tfactltoolstatus on sajidserver01 ...
| TOOLS STATUS - HOST : sajidserver01 |
| Tool Type | Tool | Version | Status |
| AHF Utilities | alertsummary | 23.0.9 | DEPLOYED |
| | calog | 23.0.9 | DEPLOYED |
| | dbglevel | 23.0.9 | DEPLOYED |
| | grep | 23.0.9 | DEPLOYED |
| | history | 23.0.9 | DEPLOYED |
| | ls | 23.0.9 | DEPLOYED |
| | managelogs | 23.0.9 | DEPLOYED |
| | menu | 23.0.9 | DEPLOYED |
| | param | 23.0.9 | DEPLOYED |
| | ps | 23.0.9 | DEPLOYED |
| | pstack | 23.0.9 | DEPLOYED |
| | summary | 23.0.9 | DEPLOYED |
| | tail | 23.0.9 | DEPLOYED |
| | triage | 23.0.9 | DEPLOYED |
| | vi | 23.0.9 | DEPLOYED |
| Development Tools | oratop | 14.1.2 | DEPLOYED |
| Support Tools Bundle | darda | 2.10.0.R6036 | DEPLOYED |
| | oswbb | 22.1.0AHF | RUNNING |
| | prw | | RUNNING |
Note :-
DEPLOYED : Installed and Available - To be configured or run interactively.
NOT RUNNING : Configured and Available - Currently turned off interactively.
RUNNING : Configured and Available.
[root@sajidserver01 bin]# ./tfactl -help
Usage : /usr/19.0.0/grid/bin/tfactl <command> [options]