Sunday, March 31, 2019

Step by Step Oracle 18c Database Installation on Linux with Screenshots

Create a staging directory on your server and download the files from OTN. Make sure to set the profiles perfectly for the database and you do have all the directories set with right permissions. Check the RPM’s based on your operating system stipulations. In this scenario, we will see how to install on OEL 7. Lets get started.

[Sajid@SajidServer~]$ cd /usr/stage
[Sajid@SajidServer stage]$ ls -ltr
-rwxrwxr-x  1 oracle oinstall 4564649047 Jan 23 16:16

[Sajid@SajidServer stage]$ unzip

Make sure you have your VNC or XMING set up properly and now invoke the runInstaller

[Sajid@SajidServer database]$ ./runInstaller

At this stage, we have successfully completed the 18c database install on OEL7. Thanks for Visiting!!!